BSA Troop 26

BSA Troop 26

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Welcome to Troop 26's website. We are located in Brentwood, California, and are part of the Crescent Bay District in the West Los Angeles County Council.

Here you can find information as to how our troop is organized, the schedule of upcoming events, Boy Scout-relevant links, late-breaking troop information, fill out troop forms online to avoid paperwork, and even download a copy of the latest edition of the Troop 26 Scout Bible (as soon as I get that up!).


10/23/01 - Attention New Scout Parents - Please make sure that we have the most updated records for our troop roster by clicking on "Contact Info Query" above and submitting the form

10/22/01 - Due to concerns expressed by scout parents and BSA representatives, we can no longer display pictures containing scouts (liability issues and such). Please bear with me as I continue to make changes to the website so as to provide as much information as possible without revealing sensitive information.

Temporary Administrator Message Board

6/27/01 - After extensive research (hours upon hours of it!), I have not been able to find or even devise code that will allow Netscape users to view the picture galleries. Please use Internet Explorer! If you're using Windows, you can download The latest version at I'll keep looking into finding a way to make Netscape compatible, but it won't be a priority. Working on the Picture Gallery will be postponed until I get proper authorization to post certain photographs.

and has been accessed 7237 times since Friday June 15, 2001